By: Any Sulistyowati
Salted Eggs |
On Sunday, June 12, 2016 afternoon, KAIL House was filled with sixteen children. Most of them were from Kampung Cigarugak, the village where KAIL House is located. They came to attend Children's Day Learning (Hari Belajar Anak, HBA). HBA activities held regularly every month in KAIL House, the children learn all sorts of interesting and useful things for their lives.
This month HBA was a feast of salted eggs. The eggs were made by the children themselves in HBA event last May. After three weeks stored, the salted eggs were ready. Due to coincide with Ramadan, the feast was held as Iftar.
In this activity, children cooked their own salted eggs. They can choose to fry or to boil the salted eggs. The small children were helped by volunteers of KAIL. They cooked alternately in an orderly manner.
Salted eggs are most delicious eaten with rice. For this Iftar, kids can select one or more options of rice, which is the usual is white rice, green beans rice, red rice and corn rice. There were also stir-fried vegetables cooked by Kak Fine, a volunteer of KAIL. Hmmm ... delicious!
The children cooked their salted eggs |
Iftar would certainly be more complete with iced fruit cocktail dessert. In this activity, children prepared together their fruit cocktail. Some cut papaya, melon and watermelon and other scraped coconuts. Then, ice was added. Thus, the iced fruit cocktail is fresh and healthy.
In order for the whole process of making the cocktail and of cooking salted eggs running smoothly and orderly, the children were divided into four groups. Each group sat around a table and get specific tasks, such as cutting papaya, cut melon, coconut curry etc.
Preparing fruit cocktail for Iftar |
Before the cooking, kids could play giant board game together on the lawn. It was a very exciting game. In this game, they were divided into two groups. Each group determined their representation to become the pawns, the ones to jump on the checkered board game. In addition to playing board games, they also listened to Kak Debby telling the story of Bandung from-time-to-time.
HBA cannot be possible without the support of KAIL staff and volunteers. Thanks for Kak Fine and Kak Kukuh who were willing to volunteer HBA this time. Also thanks to Kak Debby and Kak Deta who are faithful to accompany the children in each event of HBA. Also Mrs. Melly, coordinator of KAIL House who took time to attend this HBA.
Board game |
Hopefully by time HBA events get more and more popular among children and bring benefits to their lives.
Translated by: Bernadetta Tarigan
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