Saturday, June 11, 2016

Let’s Systems Thinking!

By: Umiazh

Triangle Idol Games
KAIL held a training of Systems Thinking Techniques (STT) on Saturday, June 4, 2016 in KAIL House. The event started at nine in the morning and lasted for approximately nine hours. Participants of this training came from a variety of backgrounds, including psychology UNIBI, ASF-ID, Energi Persada, Sadagori and Literature Rim ITB. Participants follow a series of STT materials hosted alternately by the facilitators of KAIL.

In the training, participants created groups based on the same background. Furthermore, in a group, participants were taught by each mentor to describe the vision and mission for the next five years based on their organization. Participants assisted with the tools used in ST, such as indicators, Behavior Over Time (BOT), Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) and leverage points.

Materials included logic of cause and effect, indicators that can intervene and composing strategy plan. Participants also did a simulation game that was of course related to the material

Causal Loop Diagram
being studied. One interesting simulation game was a game idol. This game was about simulating interplay indicators and existing loop, anyone who could intervene were to give effect into the loop.

It was expected that after the training participants can apply Systems Thinking Techniques not only in their organizations, but also to apply it in all aspects of life.

The participants and the facilitators

translated by: Bernadetta Tarigan

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