Partners are organizations that has been worked together or get KAIL services. Activities that has been done in partnership with other organizations are:
Bogor, 8-13/12/2013. Systems Thinking Workshop. Camp 1 Climate Smart Leaders - Batch 4.
Jayapura, 17-20/06/2013. Facilitator team for developing Provincial strategic plan for Integrating Environmental Education in Formal School. Partnership with YPB.
Kota Jambi, 10-13/06/2013. Facilitator team for developing Provincial strategic plan for Integrating Environmental Education in Formal School. Partnership with YPB.
Surabaya, 20-23/05/2013. Facilitator team for developing Provincial strategic plan for Integrating Environmental Education in Formal School. Partnership with YPB.
Palangkarya, 13-16/05/2013. Facilitator team for developing Provincial strategic plan for Integrating Environmental Education in Formal School. Partnership with YPB.
Bogor, 18-21/03/2013. Facilitator team for developing National Strategic Plan for Integrating Environmental Education in Formal School. Partnership with YPB.
Jakarta, Fasilitator team for Sharing Project Implementation for Climate Smart Leaders batch 3, Camp 2. Partnership with YPB.
Boyolali, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo and Klaten, Nov 2012-August 2013. Program Evaluation. Livelihood project for organic farmers. Partnership with LESMAN.
Jakarta, November 2012. Systems Thinking and Character Building Sessions, Camp 1 Climate Smart Leaders - Angkatan 3. Partnership with YPB.
Salatiga and Sumba , Dec 2011-August 2012. Social Economic Impact Evaluation of Microhydro projects in Salatiga and Sumba. Partnership with HIVOS and IBEKA.
Aceh, 2011. Series of Training. Bridging Leadership Program. Partnership with YPB.
Aceh, 2010. Series of Training. Bridging Leadership Program. Partnership with YPB.
Aceh, 2009. Series of Training. Bridging Leadership Program. Partnership with YPB.
February 2009. Capacity building for CBO in Bojonegoro III. Partnership with IBEKA.
Aceh, 2008. Series of Training. Bridging Leadership Program. Partnership with YPB.
2008. Facilitator team for Mid Year and Annual Meeting. UPLINK.
Boyolali, Gunung Kidul and Kulon Progo, April-September 2008, Evaluation of Organic Farming for Income Generating. LESMAN.
Bandung, 24-25 May 2008. Facilitator team for Visioning and Strategic Plan. KSK.
Bandung, 19 May 2008. Visioning Process. PANAZABA.
Bandung, 18 May 2008. Visioning Process. SEAWARE.
Yogyakarta, April 2008. Capacity building for CBO in Bojonegoro II. Partnership with IBEKA.
Bandung, January 2008. Capacity building for CBO in Bojonegoro I. Partnership with IBEKA.
Aceh, 2007. Series of Training. Bridging Leadership Program. Partnership with YPB.
2007. Strengthening and Trainer of Trainer for Youth Social Entrepreneurship Team. Ashoka Indonesia.
2007. Facilitator team for Mid Year and Annual Meeting. UPLINK.
Bandung, 15-16 September 2007. Team Building. Pustakalana.
Bandung, 28-29 March 2007. Systems Thinking Workshop. LKHH.
Bandung, 23-25 February 2007. Systems Thinking Workshop. PMKRI.
Jakarta, 15-17 January 2007,Systems Thinking Workshop. Jaringan LSM Penggerak HIV.
2006. Series of workshop for Youth Social Entrepreneurship. Ashoka Indonesia.
2006. Facilitator team for Mid Year and Annual Meeting. UPLINK.
Magelang, 3-7 December 2006. Workshop on Sharing Experiences in Disaster Management. UPLINK.
Banda Aceh, 13-15 November 2006. Visioning Process. Jaringan Udeep Beusaree (JUB).
Banda Aceh, 10-11 November 2006, Team Building. KAMOSA (Kelompok Penarik Becak di Banda Aceh).
Buleleng, June-October 2006. Series of workshop for Sustainable Coastal Management for Fisherfolks. Partnership with YPB.
Banda Aceh, 21-23 March 2006. Team Building. Technical Team for Aceh Reconstruction.
Prigen, 21-26 February 2006. Systems Thinking Workshop. UPLINK.
Bandung, 2005. Program Development. Youth Social Entrepreneurship. Ashoka Indonesia.
Bandung, 8-10 November 2005. Workshop on Basic Study Manual - for facilitator II.
September-November 2005. Series of Workshops on Using Games for Community Organizing. 10 cities of UPLINK Network: Tasikmalaya, Pontianak, Palu, Kendari, Makassar, Manado, Pelembang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Lampung.
Cibodas, 14-16 October 2005. Systems Thinking Workshop. UPC.
Kulon Progo, 5-7 July 2005. Workshop on Designing Environmental Education. JPL.
Bandung, 26 June 2005. Team Building. YBDSI.
Bandung, 22 April 2005. Study Skill workshop. UNPAR.
Blitar, 11-16 April 2005. Systems Thinking Workshop. SITAS DESA.
Bogor, 10-12 March 2005. Workshop on Basic Study Manual - for facilitator I.
Jakarta, February-December 2005. Capacity building workshops for UPC community leaders (Systems Thinking, Facilitation Skills, Games, Team Building etc).
Bandung, 4 January 2005. Team Building. Playgroup Gagas Ceria.
Denpasar, 16-18 December 2004. Workshop on Planning Environmental Education. JPL.
Denpasar, 29-30 November 2004. Systems Thinking Workshop for Designing Environmental Education. JPL.
Lembang, 1-2 October 2004. Team Building. PT CALMIC Cabang Bandung.
Bandung, 3-5 June 2004. Systems Thinking Workshop. Bima Sakti Study Club. Batch 3.
Bogor, 25-27 May 2004. Social Analysis Workshop for Ministry of Environment field staffs. Pertneraship Yayasan Puter.
Bogor, 26-28 March 2004. Voters Education for Grassroots. UNISOSDEM.
Cibodas, 21-22 February 2004. Workshop on Preparing Outbound Activities. KEPAK.
Bandung, 9-13 February 2004. Evaluation Process for Program Peace Building Program. CRS Indonesia.
Telaga Warna, December 2003. Capacity Building for Volunteers in Gede Pangrango National Park V. Partnership with YPBB.
Jakarta, November 2003. Systems Thinking Workshop. LEAD Indonesia.
Cibodas, November 2003. Capacity Building for Volunteers in Gede Pangrango National Park IV. Partnership with YPBB.
Bandung, 18 October 2003. Workshop on Using Games for Community Organizing - for facilitator.
Cibodas, September 2003. Capacity Building for Volunteers in Gede Pangrango National Park III. Partnership with YPBB.
Surabaya, 20-22 September 2003. Team Building. SMU Hendrikus.
Bandung, 30-31 August 2003, TOT on Systems Thinking. Kelompok Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam - Ganesha, ITB.
Cibodas, 26-27 August 2003. Capacity Building for Volunteers in Gede Pangrango National Park II. Partnership with YPBB.
Bogor, 29-31 July 2003. Short course on Social Analysis for Local Leaders. Partnership with ELSPPAT, Bogor.
Bandung, 17-18 July 2003. Seven Habits Workshop - for trainers.
Cibodas, 24 June 2003.Capacity Building for Volunteers in Gede Pangrango National Park I. Partnership with YPBB.
Bali, 14-17 May 2003. Team Building. CV Primaco, Jakarta and PT Median Unitama, Surabaya.
Bandung, February 2003. Series of training and TOT on Systems Thinking for HMM ITB.
Bandung, January 2003. Visioning Process for YPBB Volunteers II.
Bogor, 2003. Gender workshop. KPM.
Bandung, November-December 2002, Visioning Process for YPBB Volunteers I.
Bandung, August 2002. Systems Thinking Workshop. Bima Sakti Study Club. Batch 2.
Bandung, August 2002. Systems Thinking Workshop. Gladi Kemasyarakatan, UNPAR.
Bandung, June 2002. Systems Thinking Workshop. Bima Sakti Study Club. Batch 1.
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