At exactly 10 am, Kak Debby was to take the children gathering in the front yard of KAIL House. The event was opened with the play "Magic Thumb". Children were asked to affix their thumb on the objects mentioned by Kak Debby. It was very exciting. The children run around trying to find the object in question.
When finished playing, the children gathered in a circle and talked together with Kak Deta and Kak Debby, about activities of HBA they followed in 2015. Some of them still remembered the activities clearly, like mushrooms study, making stamp leaves, making binoculars as well as making grasshoppers from palm leaves. They also remembered hearing a tale of Jack and Beanstalk and that the beans were very high.
That day the children also listened to a fairy tale. A tale entitled as "Why Animals Do Have Tails?" was told by Kak Deta. After listening to it, then the children were asked to create a journal. The facilitators have prepared a number of papers, cardboard, markers, scissors and glue paper to make journals materials.

Supposedly the event was closed with the activities of watching movies together. However, due to technical constraints, it was postponed. Hopefully the kids stay happy and excited to join HBA again in February!
Translated by: Bernadetta Tarigan
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