Twenty three members of youth scout from Bandung Homeschooler camped at KAIL House, 29-30 June 2014. The camp lasted from Thursday morning to Friday morning . The activities carried out during camping were: setting up tents, cooking, eating together, going for a walk, semaphore exercise, movie watch, bonfire, ceremony and many more .
During the camp they are guided by Yanda Ato, accompanied by his colleagues, Buci and Pakci . In this camp, children were encouraged to learn and work independently . They were involved from start to finish, the preparation and implementation of the activities . This camp is a preparatory activity for the actual camp at Mount Puntang .
The Scout group has been done their activities together since October 2013. They use public space in the city of Bandung such as in Taman Ganesha and Taman Lansia. In general, the activities take place regularly every Thursday , at 9 am -12 noon . The entire activity finance were provided by the participants self-sufficiently.
In any scouting activity, the parents were take turn and always involved in the preparation and implementation of activities. They are very supportive of their children's activities in the scout group . Through these scout activities kids know each other and interact in positive activities . As the children are happy to participate in the scout activities, so do their parents. They are proud and happy to see a positive development in their children because of their involvement in the scouts. More and more of the skills learnt by these children .
Hopefully more children could have positive learning and fun experiences as the kids in these scouts !