Sunday, March 23, 2014

Paper Bugs Creation on Children Learning Day

On Children Learning Day, March 23rd 2014, children came to KAIL House and  learned to recognize various types of insects and make a creation using unused cardboard. Children who attended the event were children who lives in Cigarugak and Kail staff children. There are around 25 children joined the activity. Melly Amalia and Ela Kamila facilitated the process.

At the beginning of the activities, the children were asked to make a circle. Then they played games with singing and moving. After that they made various types of insects, including bees, beetles, ants, butterflies and caterpillars. It appeared that the kids were really enjoy the process of making insect of their choice. Even there were some children who made ​​more than one type of insect.

Paper Bugs Making

- Thick paper / soft board 
- Color paper (origami paper, unused paper from megazine)  
- Glue 
- Wire 
- Color pensils/crayons/markers 
- Eye buttons

How to make:
-          Prepare all equipment in one place
-          Make a bug shape in a thick paper.
-          Make similar shape with color paper.
-          Stick the bug shape color paper on the bug shape thick paper. 
-          Put eyes, wings and other accessories of the bug.
-          Put the wire as the bug legs.

-          Hurray, the bug is ready!

Writer: Melly Amalia (KAIL Program Coordinator)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Systems Thinking Workshop Batch XIX

KAIL organized systems thinking workshop batch XIX on March 9, 2014. The workshop was attended by 20 participants from seven organizations / institutions in the four cities. This training is the first public activity to be held at KAIL House. This one day workshop was led by Any Sulistyowati and supported by KAIL facilitator team members, namely: Melly Amalia ,Selly Agustina, and Anilawati Nurwakhidin. Present as the guest speaker, Mr. Teten Avianto from System Dynamic House.

In this training, participants learned about the Importance of Systems Thinking and the various methodologies and tools used in the Systems Thinking, i.e. Behavior Over Time Diagram (BOT), Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) and Leverage Points. Participants were also given the opportunity to practice these tools for issues of  their concern in small groups. In addition to the lecture and group work, participants were also learned about Systems Thinking through a variety of games and simulations. Through this interactive learning participants were expected to have better understanding the complexity of the problem.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

[Event Announcement] Zero Waste Lifestyle Workshop

30 March 2014
09.00-12.00 WIB

Zero Waste Lifestyle

YPBB Trainer Team

KAIL House
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar, 
Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kabupaten Bandung

For more information and registration, please contact:

Melly Amalia - 08212725087

[Event Announcement] Systems Thinking Workshop - Batch XIX

Systems Thinking Workshop - Batch XIX

Sunday, 9th March 2014 
08.30-17.00 WIB

@ Rumah KAIL 
Kampung Cigarugak 
Desa Giri Mekar 
Kecamatan Cilengkrang 
Kabupaten Bandung

PIC: Melly Amalia
0 8 2 1 2 7 2 5 3 0 8 7

Children Learning Day - March 2014

Date & Time: 
23 March 2014
14.00-16.00 WIB

Get to Know Bugs

Rumah KAIL 
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar, 
Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kabupaten Bandung

For registration & more information, please contact :

Melly Amalia - 082127253087