For celebrating KAIL's 12th birthday, KAIL will organized a bazaar on 6th July 2014.
We accept donation of used clothes, books, toys, house equipment to be sold in that bazaar.
The money collected from this event will be used for finance community activities around Kail House.
For more information, please contact:
Melly: 082127253087 / 085794904686
Selly: 082118632353
Titin: 081321137231
Collection point:
Rumah KAIL
Kp. Cigarugak, Kelurahan Giri Mekar, Kec. Cilengkrang, Kab. Bandung
Entry from: Jln. Cijambe, Ujung Berung
Deadline for collection: 3rd July 2014
Non profit organization for supporting individuals and organizations for society transformation
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Celebration of Saung Bandasari
Today, 10th June 2014, KAIL and YPBB staffs visited Bandasari for celebrating the completeness of Saung Bandasari construction. Saung Bandasari is located at Desa Bandasari, where YPBB and KAIL jointly have a piece of land, which is projected to be their ecovillage site in the future. This "saung" is one of many buildings that will be constructed in that site. The building is made from bamboo and consist of an open wide space, a smaller open space and two bed rooms. Beside the saung, two bath rooms were also constructed, a long with biodigester as its septic tank and waste water ponds which will be used as grey water treatment.
The area of Bandasari is around 2.5 hectares, which consist of hill, valley, and rice field. Part of the rice field will be functioning as fish pond. In the long run, the area will be developed using the principle of permaculture.Following that principle, the sites will be divided into several zones, from zone 0 for most actively used area, such as housing, kitchen etc. to zone 5, where local woods from West Java will be planted as part of reforestation efforts of that area.
Beside YPBB and KAIL staffs, head of local community, construction workers and families of Gungun Gunawan, the coordinator of this ecovillage were also joined this celebration.
Celebration will not be perfect without food. In this event, tumpeng nasi kuning plus lauk pauk cooked by Gungun's mother was the main course. The symbol of the opening of the saung was done by David Sutasurya (YPBB) giving a plate of nasi kuning to Thomas (the youngest people from KAIL) and to the head of Bandasari community.
Many children attended this event. They played together all the time. They walked, run up down the hill around the location. Some children did this many times. It seems like they do not tired at all.
The event was closed with group picture.
Hope that what has been done with good intention can give benefit to the nature and many people.

Beside YPBB and KAIL staffs, head of local community, construction workers and families of Gungun Gunawan, the coordinator of this ecovillage were also joined this celebration.
Celebration will not be perfect without food. In this event, tumpeng nasi kuning plus lauk pauk cooked by Gungun's mother was the main course. The symbol of the opening of the saung was done by David Sutasurya (YPBB) giving a plate of nasi kuning to Thomas (the youngest people from KAIL) and to the head of Bandasari community.
Many children attended this event. They played together all the time. They walked, run up down the hill around the location. Some children did this many times. It seems like they do not tired at all.
The event was closed with group picture.
Hope that what has been done with good intention can give benefit to the nature and many people.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Workshop for Systems Thinking Mentors
In June 8th
2014, KAIL organized training for mentor on System Thinking. This training is
for developing new generation of mentors for Systems Thinking workshops which
is done regularly at KAIL House. Ten participants joined this training. They
are alumni of KAIL Systems Thinking Workshop, especially from 2011-2014 batches.
During this
training, participants reviewed their basic System Thinking skills, such as
formulating indicator, drawing Behavior Over Time Diagram (BOT) and Causal Loop
Diagram (CLD). The participants also learned about how to become Systems
Thinking mentor and facilitator. They learned about facilitation techniques as
well as to understand different characters of participants. They had
opportunities to work individually as well as in pairs and in plenary. Through
the process, they could learn from one another and it helped them understand
the content better.
strengthening participants’ technical skills, the participants also learned
about psychological aspects in mentoring process. They learned from various
stories given by former mentors. From that process, the participants got
knowledge and confident that they could be a good mentor. If there is effort,
there will be way out.
Any Sulistyowati (Any) and Melly Amalia (Melly) from KAIL facilitated the process. As a follow up from this
training are the following. Firstly, they agreed to support each other in using
Systems Thinking in their organizational development. Two organizations
proposed their organizations as cases. The first one is GSSI which will be
organized by Ibu Tini. The second one is KSK which will be organized by Teteh Novi.
The rest of participants will join as volunteer facilitator in that process.
The second follow up is the formation of a group which interested in developing
Systems Thinking Teaching for Children. They think that it will be good if
people can know Systems Thinking as early as possible. From the process, it is
hoped that they can support children to think holistically and systematically.
Monday, June 2, 2014
[Event Announcement] Systems Thinking Mentoring Workshop
@ KAIL House
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar, Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kab. Bandung
8 June 2014, 09.00-17.00 WIB
Open for Systems Thinking Workshop Alumni from batch 1-20.
For more information and registration, please contact:
Melly Amalia (Melly)
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar, Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kab. Bandung
8 June 2014, 09.00-17.00 WIB
Open for Systems Thinking Workshop Alumni from batch 1-20.
For more information and registration, please contact:
Melly Amalia (Melly)
Event Announcement
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Sunday, June 1, 2014
"TEMANI AKU BUNDA" - with Irma Winda Lubis
Movie discussion @ Rumah KAIL

"My friends were angry with me. They said that because of me, the teachers get problems. I just tried to be honest. My parents teach me to always be honest." (Abrar)
This documentary is about the journey of a child in the face of national examinations (UN) in the month of May 2011. Two days before the UN, Abrar and his friends were asked by her teacher to participate in a collective agreement in their class, that they may co-operation and exchange exam answers without telling anyone, including their parents. This meant Abrar and his friends were told to cheat. How was Abrar reaction to this? What did their parents do when they knew this? What was the action of Irma Winda Lubis (Winda /Abrar's mother) facing this issue?

"My friends were angry with me. They said that because of me, the teachers get problems. I just tried to be honest. My parents teach me to always be honest." (Abrar)
This documentary is about the journey of a child in the face of national examinations (UN) in the month of May 2011. Two days before the UN, Abrar and his friends were asked by her teacher to participate in a collective agreement in their class, that they may co-operation and exchange exam answers without telling anyone, including their parents. This meant Abrar and his friends were told to cheat. How was Abrar reaction to this? What did their parents do when they knew this? What was the action of Irma Winda Lubis (Winda /Abrar's mother) facing this issue?
Kail organized this event at the end of series of National Examination 2014 for elementary school students to high school to remind that in these days and ages, noble values, such as honesty is very expensive. As parents, we can take an important role to help our children, the future generation, to implement these values. The process was not simply just by saying, but more importantly through our actions. More effective lessons of value application can be shown by our behavior. It will be meaningless for the children, if we only tell them in word, but in practice we do the opposite. When this happens children will face a dilemma (and even up to the stress and trauma), which could influence the life in the future.
We live in a system that is not ideal. A lot of problems we face in this current system. So much homework to be done for creating better living for all, including in education sector. We need to work together to create a conducive environment so that our children can grow at their best potential. One of the enabling environment is providing space for children to express themselves honestly and simply so they can be in their true selves. As adults, we are responsible for ensuring the availability of these spaces.
That is the subject of discussion after watching the movie together at KAIL House last Sunday, June 1st 2014. This event was hosted by Dhitta Puti Sarasvati, KAIL volunteer from Jakarta and assisted by Deta, KAIL volunteer from Bandung. About 25 people from various communities, partners and individuals attended the event. They were excited to watch the movie together and discussed the content afterward. This activity was originally scheduled to end at noon. However, the discussion has been continued until over lunch time. Therefore the formal discussion had to be stopped first and then be followed by an informal discussion over lunch and finish up at 3:30 pm.
Many lessons can be derived by participants from this process. Hope that this initiative can be useful for the people who need this.
KAIL Learning Day
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Homeschooler Camp at KAIL House


Twenty three members of youth scout from Bandung Homeschooler camped at KAIL House, 29-30 June 2014. The camp lasted from Thursday morning to Friday morning . The activities carried out during camping were: setting up tents, cooking, eating together, going for a walk, semaphore exercise, movie watch, bonfire, ceremony and many more .
During the camp they are guided by Yanda Ato, accompanied by his colleagues, Buci and Pakci . In this camp, children were encouraged to learn and work independently . They were involved from start to finish, the preparation and implementation of the activities . This camp is a preparatory activity for the actual camp at Mount Puntang .
The Scout group has been done their activities together since October 2013. They use public space in the city of Bandung such as in Taman Ganesha and Taman Lansia. In general, the activities take place regularly every Thursday , at 9 am -12 noon . The entire activity finance were provided by the participants self-sufficiently.
In any scouting activity, the parents were take turn and always involved in the preparation and implementation of activities. They are very supportive of their children's activities in the scout group . Through these scout activities kids know each other and interact in positive activities . As the children are happy to participate in the scout activities, so do their parents. They are proud and happy to see a positive development in their children because of their involvement in the scouts. More and more of the skills learnt by these children .
Hopefully more children could have positive learning and fun experiences as the kids in these scouts !
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Systems Thinking Workshop for GSSI Volunteers
On 27 May 2014, 13 volunteers from GSSI participated in Systems Thinking Workshop at Kail House.
the training was held for one day from from 9 am until 5:30 pm. In the training the participants learn the importance of systems thinking, tools that are used, for example, Behavior Over Time Diagram (BOT) and the Causal Loop Diagram (CLD), leverage points, and practice it in each case. In this practice each group was accompanied by a mentor. Once completed, every group presented their work in plenary.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
[Event Announcement] "Temani Aku Bunda"
Friday, May 16, 2014
Books from unused paper and clothes

Friday, May 9, 2014
[Event Announcement] Books from unused box and cloths
@ KAIL House
Making Books from Unused Box and Cloths
With: Navita Kristi Astuti - Arumanis Craft
15 May 2014, 9-12 WIB
Making Books from Unused Box and Cloths
With: Navita Kristi Astuti - Arumanis Craft
15 May 2014, 9-12 WIB
Event Announcement,
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Monday, May 5, 2014
Systems Thinking Workshop Batch XX
In May 4, 2014, KAIL organized the 20th Systems Thinking workshop. This training has been done regularly since 2002. The materials presented in this workshop were The Importance of Systems Thinking, Behavior Overtime Diagram, Causal Loop Diagram, Leverage Points and others. In addition to lectures, trainers also use the game as the learning media. Participants also had the opportunity to direct practice for the topics that interest them by applying the content to their own case.
Monday, April 28, 2014
After Arpillera Workshop in the morning, on Sunday, 20 April 2014, the children came to KAIL House for joining children program. The event was expected to start at 2 pm, but the children had already came to KAIL House since 1 pm. Around 20 children joined the session. The event was started with watching educational cartoon movie, followed by singing "Halo-halo Bandung" together. Then they made a paper mask.
The materials needed to create a mask that cardboard, scissors, glue, colored pencils, glitter, and straws. Once the cardboard is formed into a mask and punched in the eyes, then it's time to decorate the mask according the creativity of each child. All children were happy and enthusiastic in coloring, gluing, sticking their mask. Bigger children helped smaller children. In this activity, they also learned how to take turn, waiting, and to share with others.
Another rules in KAIL Children Program is that children are not allowed to buy unhealthy snacks in order to maintain health and reduce waste from packaging. Instead, in every event, KAIL provided healthy food with various homemade donuts made by local residents.
Before leaving, the children were asked to me a group picture with their mask creations.
See you next month!
The materials needed to create a mask that cardboard, scissors, glue, colored pencils, glitter, and straws. Once the cardboard is formed into a mask and punched in the eyes, then it's time to decorate the mask according the creativity of each child. All children were happy and enthusiastic in coloring, gluing, sticking their mask. Bigger children helped smaller children. In this activity, they also learned how to take turn, waiting, and to share with others.
Another rules in KAIL Children Program is that children are not allowed to buy unhealthy snacks in order to maintain health and reduce waste from packaging. Instead, in every event, KAIL provided healthy food with various homemade donuts made by local residents.
Before leaving, the children were asked to me a group picture with their mask creations.
See you next month!
Arpillera Workshop at KAIL House
On KAIL Learning Day, Sunday, April 27, 2014 KAIL held a workshop on Arpillera (the quilting art for social change). Since morning, KAIL House, which located in the village of Cigarukgak women from around the place gathered together. They enthusiastically participated in the workshop which was held regularly once a month. Approximately 10 housewives attended the workshop.
The event was facilitated by Melly, KAIL Program Coordinator and Selly Agustina, KAIL Facilitator. After the opening by Melly, the activities was continued with an explanation of what is arpillera by Selly who also part of KAIL creative team. The explanation started with the explanation of the history of arpillera i.e. as a form of protest of mothers and wives, whose husband and sons were victims of state violence by General Auguste Pinochet of Chile. At that time arpillera can be a media for trauma healing, delivering secret messages, and channeling negative feelings. The difference of arpillera from the normal patchwork is the meaning behind the art work by creator.
After a brief explanation of arpillera, Selly then invited participants to practice directly how to make arpillera. No special sewing expertise needed in making arpillera. We just need willingness, thoroughness and patience in making it. Women is usually familiar with sewing work. They look very excited and pour their ideas into the design, forming a pattern and then stitch it patiently. Since many participants were old mother, the only difficulty they faced was how to put the thread the needle hole, when the hole is very small.
Two hours passed very fast. Before the event was over, the facilitators invited the participants to share stories about the meaning and message in their work. Most of them depict rural scenery with trees or other feminine things related to their daily lives as mothers. Although some participants seemed very shy to tell their stories, however a sense of pride from them can be seen clearly.
Finally, the workshop was closed with a group photo of all participants and KAIL staffs.
The event was facilitated by Melly, KAIL Program Coordinator and Selly Agustina, KAIL Facilitator. After the opening by Melly, the activities was continued with an explanation of what is arpillera by Selly who also part of KAIL creative team. The explanation started with the explanation of the history of arpillera i.e. as a form of protest of mothers and wives, whose husband and sons were victims of state violence by General Auguste Pinochet of Chile. At that time arpillera can be a media for trauma healing, delivering secret messages, and channeling negative feelings. The difference of arpillera from the normal patchwork is the meaning behind the art work by creator.
After a brief explanation of arpillera, Selly then invited participants to practice directly how to make arpillera. No special sewing expertise needed in making arpillera. We just need willingness, thoroughness and patience in making it. Women is usually familiar with sewing work. They look very excited and pour their ideas into the design, forming a pattern and then stitch it patiently. Since many participants were old mother, the only difficulty they faced was how to put the thread the needle hole, when the hole is very small.
Two hours passed very fast. Before the event was over, the facilitators invited the participants to share stories about the meaning and message in their work. Most of them depict rural scenery with trees or other feminine things related to their daily lives as mothers. Although some participants seemed very shy to tell their stories, however a sense of pride from them can be seen clearly.
Finally, the workshop was closed with a group photo of all participants and KAIL staffs.
KAIL Learning Day
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Monday, April 21, 2014
[Event Announcement] Systems Thinking Workshop - Batch XX
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
[Event Announcement] Arpillera @ KAIL Learning Day
27 April 2014
09.00-12.00 WIB
09.00-12.00 WIB
Workshop Title:
Arpillera - the quilting art for social change
KAIL House
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar,
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar,
Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kabupaten Bandung
For more information and registration, please contact:
Melly Amalia - 08212725087
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
[Event Announcement] Children Learning Day - April 2014
Date & Time:
27 April 2014
14.00-16.00 WIB
14.00-16.00 WIB
Mask Creation
Rumah KAIL
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar,
Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kabupaten Bandung
For registration & more information, please contact :
Melly Amalia - 0821-2725-3087
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Paper Bugs Creation on Children Learning Day

On Children Learning Day, March 23rd 2014, children came to KAIL House and learned to recognize various types of insects and make a creation using unused cardboard. Children who attended the event were children who lives in Cigarugak and Kail staff children. There are around 25 children joined the activity. Melly Amalia and Ela Kamila facilitated the process.

At the beginning of the activities, the children were asked to make a circle. Then they played games with singing and moving. After that they made various types of insects, including bees, beetles, ants, butterflies and caterpillars. It appeared that the kids were really enjoy the process of making insect of their choice. Even there were some children who made more than one type of insect.
Children Program
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Paper Bugs Making
- Thick paper / soft board
- Color paper (origami paper, unused paper from megazine)
- Glue
- Wire
- Color pensils/crayons/markers
- Eye buttons
How to make:
- Prepare all equipment in one place
- Make a bug shape in a thick paper.
- Make similar shape with color paper.
- Stick the bug shape color paper on the bug shape thick paper.
- Put eyes, wings and other accessories of the bug.
- Put the wire as the bug legs.
- Hurray, the bug is ready!
Writer: Melly Amalia (KAIL Program Coordinator)
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Systems Thinking Workshop Batch XIX
KAIL organized systems thinking workshop batch XIX on March 9, 2014. The workshop was attended by 20 participants from seven organizations / institutions in the four cities. This training is the first public activity to be held at KAIL House. This one day workshop was led by Any Sulistyowati and supported by KAIL facilitator team members, namely: Melly Amalia ,Selly Agustina, and Anilawati Nurwakhidin. Present as the guest speaker, Mr. Teten Avianto from System Dynamic House.
In this training, participants learned about the Importance of Systems Thinking and the various methodologies and tools used in the Systems Thinking, i.e. Behavior Over Time Diagram (BOT), Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) and Leverage Points. Participants were also given the opportunity to practice these tools for issues of their concern in small groups. In addition to the lecture and group work, participants were also learned about Systems Thinking through a variety of games and simulations. Through this interactive learning participants were expected to have better understanding the complexity of the problem.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
[Event Announcement] Zero Waste Lifestyle Workshop
30 March 2014
09.00-12.00 WIB
09.00-12.00 WIB
Zero Waste Lifestyle
YPBB Trainer Team
YPBB Trainer Team
KAIL House
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar,
Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kabupaten Bandung
For more information and registration, please contact:
Melly Amalia - 08212725087
Event Announcement,
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
[Event Announcement] Systems Thinking Workshop - Batch XIX
Systems Thinking Workshop - Batch XIX
Sunday, 9th March 2014
08.30-17.00 WIB
@ Rumah KAIL
Kampung Cigarugak
Desa Giri Mekar
Kecamatan Cilengkrang
Kabupaten Bandung
PIC: Melly Amalia
0 8 2 1 2 7 2 5 3 0 8 7
Sunday, 9th March 2014
08.30-17.00 WIB
@ Rumah KAIL
Kampung Cigarugak
Desa Giri Mekar
Kecamatan Cilengkrang
Kabupaten Bandung
PIC: Melly Amalia
0 8 2 1 2 7 2 5 3 0 8 7
Event Announcement
Children Learning Day - March 2014
Date & Time:
23 March 2014
14.00-16.00 WIB
14.00-16.00 WIB
Rumah KAIL
Kampung Cigarugak, Desa Giri Mekar,
Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kabupaten Bandung
For registration & more information, please contact :
Melly Amalia - 082127253087
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Children Artwork: Fingerprints
- color liquid (food grade)
- soft board
- bowl
- markers/ color pencil
How to make:
- Prepare the color liquid on a bowl (food grade so it is safe for children)
- Put children's thumb / finger in the bowl
- Print the thumb/finger on a paper
- Wait until it dries. If it is already dried, asked children to draw any shape around the fingerprints and make a story about them.
Fingerprints Creation
Children Learning Day on February 23, 2014 was held at Rumah KAIL for the first time. In this Children's Learning Day, KAIL invited children to make creations using fingerprints. Children who attended the event were the children of the family and friends of KAIL staffs. Melly Amalia and Ela Kamila were facilitated the process.
Equipment and materials needed to make the creation of fingerprints was very simple, such as paper, food grade coloring liquid that is safe for children's finger. The children dipped their thumbs and fingers into the color liquid and printed them on paper. The children can make various creation out of that. By using their fingerprints, kids can create a variety of formsto express their individual creativity.
KAIL House Celebration
After about a year of construction, KAIL House was opened for KAIL activities. On February 23, 2014, a celebration was held at KAIL House as expression of gratitude for the functioning of KAIL House. This event was attended by the staff, volunteers, partners, neighbors and family. Most of them stayed overnight at the house from a day before, Saturday, February 22, 2014. Some Cigarugak residents were also attended the event. Teh Ross, a neighbor next door, prepare lunch and snacks for all of us with local food and snacks.
Though it was not a 100% completed, KAIL House can already be used for running workshop and training. In the next four months, they will be held various improvements KAIL House. The public opening will be done on KAIL 12th years Anniversary on June 19, 2014.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
BE YOUR BEST - Batch 1
On Saturday, 13th August 2011, KAIL organized one day Personal Development Workshop for Activist in Kedai Kopi Mata Angin, Jln. Bengawan, Bandung. This program was attended by 13 participants from various organizations in Bandung.
This program was aimed to facilitate participants to search for their best potentials. It was started by various process for understanding self, followed by a visioning exercise. During the afternoon, the participants identified the factors that contribute to their vision achievements. As in the application forms, many participants wrote: understanding other people as main challenge towards their success, the afternoon session was devoted to deepen participants skills in understanding different type of personalities. The learned about 4 types of personalities and how to deal with those differences in most effective ways. The last part of the workshop was for creating one action plan that will bring participants to their best potentials. They shared their plan to the rest of the group.
This workshop was facilitated by KAIL trainer, Any Sulistyowati, supported by Dhitta Puti Sarasvati, Selly Agustina, Arfan Miftah Farid, and Melly Amalia for operational supports.
For more information, please contact: Melly Amalia (
This program was aimed to facilitate participants to search for their best potentials. It was started by various process for understanding self, followed by a visioning exercise. During the afternoon, the participants identified the factors that contribute to their vision achievements. As in the application forms, many participants wrote: understanding other people as main challenge towards their success, the afternoon session was devoted to deepen participants skills in understanding different type of personalities. The learned about 4 types of personalities and how to deal with those differences in most effective ways. The last part of the workshop was for creating one action plan that will bring participants to their best potentials. They shared their plan to the rest of the group.
This workshop was facilitated by KAIL trainer, Any Sulistyowati, supported by Dhitta Puti Sarasvati, Selly Agustina, Arfan Miftah Farid, and Melly Amalia for operational supports.
For more information, please contact: Melly Amalia (
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Children Learning Day - February 2014
Fingerprint Art workshop
Sunday, 23rd May 2014, 10.00-12.00 WIB
@ Rumah KAIL
Kampung Cigarugak
Desa Giri Mekar
Kecamatan Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung
PIC: Melly Amalia
Sunday, 23rd May 2014, 10.00-12.00 WIB

Kampung Cigarugak
Desa Giri Mekar
Kecamatan Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung
PIC: Melly Amalia
Event Announcement,
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